Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Chapter 3

In this country the strength and size of the military have grown dramatically, this is important because we as a people have evolved from peaceful nation to a strong united force. This is an important topic in the county, with the budget cuts in the government and the military getting cut many people will lose more jobs than gain them. In this chapter I will be explaining why the Military is important in the eyes of the government but how it may have gotten too large.
In my second chapter, I talked about the role of the united states getting involved in foreign affairs and entering police actions against other nations. This influenced the way we look at our military because to the normal public eye it looks like we're always in war. With someone “In the United States the government gets involved in foreign affairs, policing other nations keeping the threat of war. They hold this power with an iron fist ready to beat down on anyone who they see as a threat. This has gone on for a very long time where the American Government can barely keep a stable economy but they are the first on call when there is a massive earthquake.” This is so the government can keep everyone safe but still control the world.
The role in The United States of military are to be protectors of our nation, but it seems that they act more as the protectors of the world than just our protectors. Instead we have people dieing in other lands, just to keep world order and general human rights. “But there is a theory behind all this: The United States has relied too much on hard power for too long, and to be truly effective in a complex, modern world, the United States needs to emphasize other tools. It must be an attractive power, capable of persuading rather than compelling. It must convene and corral both partners and non-partners, using economic, diplomatic and other means to “leverage” American influence.” The way government looks at the world is in checks and balances, If the government “saves” or protect one land then they will owe us something in return.
The control of power has been shown as a split you can use your power wisely but you would be taking more risks. Or you could you it wildly and show more strenght and look stronger so people become deterred from attacking you. This is what the United States does “These days “soft” power and “smart” power are in vogue (who wants to make the case for “dumb” power?) while American “hard” power is on the chopping block. This is, in part, a symbolic sacrifice to the fiscal crisis — even though the looming defense cuts are a drop in the bucket compared with the ballooning entitlement spending that is not being cut. And partly this is the Obama administration’s election-year strategy of playing to a presumably war-weary nation.” Showing the majority of our hand and showing our main power to the world. Making everyone back down from challenging us keeping our land and our nation safe.
I would say that though the role of the military has grown substantially in the past. This is because we started looking out for the common good of the world. Then were forced to increase our strength in order to protect our country from any threats that would want to take us down or overthrow the government.