Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Chapter 1

In The United States the people think the government is only in it for themselves when they pass many laws and taxes for the greater good of the country as a whole. Many times when the government passes something or argues about a new law it is because they are fighting over what would be best for more people. The way richer people focus on trying to turn massive media being news and what is published with the sway of the all powerful dollar. That is what has happened to this county. That is why the news stations like NPR or FOX are so biased to one party, being the party that they were following.

If we go as far back as the revolutionary war we can see clear moments where the people went against the government what ever form that would be either the British Empire or the still forming Revolutionaries. Like when the British government passed a Tax on Tea the American people grew angry and in ended in the Boston tea party “The colonists, Lord North hoped, would be happy to receive cheaper tea and willing to pay the tax. This would have the dual result of saving the tea company and securing compliance from Americans on the tax issue. It was a brilliant plan. There was, of course, one major flaw in his thinking.The colonists saw through this thinly veiled plot to encourage tax payment. Furthermore, they wondered how long the monopoly would keep prices low.” Sometimes the government does have there best interest at heart.

Now if we look a little forward in history to the great depression we can see another point in time where a governmental party stepped into the people’s lives and bailed them out with the New Deal. In the New Deal under President Roosevelt they fixed the banks created new and more jobs and made a law against monopolies. “New Dealers and the men and women who worked on New Deal programs believed they were not only serving their families and communities, but building the foundation for a great and caring society.” Many people after the new deal thought they were no longer working for themselves but for the who country as one.

Recently in history with President Obama’s Health care also known as “Obamacare” has sparked a almost war state within the congress itself so far resulting in a shut down. Many people think "Obamacare" is good but some also think it will take away freedom. Because this forces everyone to take health care they resent it and support the Congress in stonewalling Obama’s plan. “Only 37 percent of American approve of the job President Obama is doing, that number is down nine points from October.The approval for President Obama’s signature legislation Obamacare is down 12 percentage points, now sitting at 31 percent.John Dickerson found the most troubling part of these numbers to be that America’s trust in President Obama is down to 49 percent.Even more startling for President Obama is that 43 percent of Americans think Obamacare should be repealed entirely, compared to only 7 percent of Americans that want to keep Obamacare.” With that being said the government is still trying to help the less wealthy people because they are still trying to be fair to all of the community not just the people who can afford stay healthy.
That is why although it seems that many times the government looks like they are helping themselves or aren’t looking for the peoples best interest they may be if you look deeper into what they are truly saying. Sometimes the government does do things for themselves but overall they try to do what is best for everyone as a whole.

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